

empire of the sun

stella normally goes to Coco's house on Tuesdays.  while i was working, that meant an early morning commute through the galleria traffic.  i would have to wake stella up and plunk her in her carseat by 7am to make it through traffic to Coco's house in order to get to work by 8:30.  as she always is, stella was a trooper.  a paci in her mouth, i would hand her a sippy full of fresh milk and her "mink" (aka blanket) and away we would go.  what really got us there though was empire of the sun.  i'm sure kids will like whatever music you listen to, just because they don't know any better, but she really does have a particular liking for this band, especially this song.  its pretty funny.  we refer to it as "stella and mommy's song" and now that she is speaking so much better she can actually say "walking on a dream."  after we listen to it she will immediately say "again" and we will listen to it again, because how can we not.  i'm not kidding, we might listen to it 5-6 times on the way to coco's house. and another 5-6 on the way home.

i've given up on this song a litttttttle bit now because after months of listening to it on repeat i'm a bit over it, so i foraged on through the CD, ignoring her chanting of "again, again again!" hoping she would like the rest of the album just as much.  ironically enough, kyle's favorite tune on the CD is swordfish hot kiss night (i have no idea what that title is about) and stella has taken a keen liking to it as well.  she likes the rapping part, when the guy with the low voice kicks in.  i have a feeling it reminds her of her Uncle Ben because she laughs and says, "haha super bass hahaha uncle ben (gibberish gibberish gibberish) hahaa uncle ben" EVERYTIME it comes on.  (the back story on this is last time ben was in town he tried to get her to sing nikki minaj super bass and also to say 'you is smaaaart you is kiiiiind you is important' and now mentioning either one of those things throws her into a fit of giggles).  

so anyway, i didn't want to forget these trinkets of memories so i thought i would jot it down here.  also, these songs rock. 

new shoes, sisters and bike rides

this morning