this past weekend we were invited to my cousin's house to make hallacas (aka venezuelan tamales). I had never heard of them but was excited to be invited to something cooking involved during the holiday season (i love cooking with people this time of year) and to maybe start a new family tradition.
however, what i did not know was what a looooooonnnnngg process this was and how much back breaking work it takes to complete. now i understand why this is traditionally done while drinking lots and lots of tequila.
needless to say it turned out to be a really fun day. we got to see family, learn something new and eat a delicious meal! done and done.
thanks so much for inviting us aaron and alicia!!! xoxo
step by step process of the hallacas below (should be noted that alicia started making the meat around 8am saturday morning and we didnt sit down to eat a finished hallaca until almost 9pm...and the work was only halfway done. alicia and aaron still had to make bollos out of the leftover maize and plaintain leaves.)
however, what i did not know was what a looooooonnnnngg process this was and how much back breaking work it takes to complete. now i understand why this is traditionally done while drinking lots and lots of tequila.
needless to say it turned out to be a really fun day. we got to see family, learn something new and eat a delicious meal! done and done.
thanks so much for inviting us aaron and alicia!!! xoxo
step by step process of the hallacas below (should be noted that alicia started making the meat around 8am saturday morning and we didnt sit down to eat a finished hallaca until almost 9pm...and the work was only halfway done. alicia and aaron still had to make bollos out of the leftover maize and plaintain leaves.)